Judging in Smart School IoT Hackathon Competition

The Hackaton started from 19 October 2019 until 3 November 2019 by Digital Internet Association Malaysia (iaM) which supported by MaGIC, MHub and other initiatives of the group aged 15-19 in Selangor Region to ignite their talent and knowledge towards using IoT Solutions in devices, apps or systems to solve social-economic issues found in their community.
Quek (CEO) and Jon (CTO) were invited to judge the competition of the Hackathon along side with other industrial experts such as MaGIC, HeiTech, IBM and etc.
These are the awards:
Best Solution Winners:
1st Prize: Circinus Cygnus (FarmTech IOT Fertigation System)
2nd Prize: Putra Clusters (Smart Student Access Card)
3rd Prize: Elite 23 (System to neutralise the Soil Acidity)